What is the best way to secure experiential knowledge?

Fundamentally, many people ask themselves: What does a coater or enameller actually do?

As a result, we actively presented ourselves in several schools in the area, advocating for the profession of surface coater/enameller.

An enameller learns how to prepare tools for coating, apply enamel to pipe components and fittings, and then fire it. After completion, the quality of the surfaces is inspected and certified. The enameller learns how components and metal constructions made of sheets, pipes, or profiles are manufactured through various production processes, such as turning, welding, and grinding.

By training skilled workers in our own company, we not only gain advantages but also take on a special responsibility. In 2021, we consciously decided to take on this responsibility and train young people in the commercial and craft sectors.

We were able to allocate three training positions in 2021, with an industrial clerk, a surface coater, and a dual student. With two additional apprentices in 2022, we filled the training position for a technical product designer and another training position for an enameller. Additionally, we decided to add two more training positions for enamellers in 2023 and to train another industrial clerk.

(Our apprentices, from left to right: Luca (dual student), Lukas (enameller, 3rd year of apprenticeship), Burak (enameller, 1st year of apprenticeship), Mourad (enameller, 1st year of apprenticeship), Felix (technical product designer, 2nd year of apprenticeship), Lukas (industrial clerk, 1st year of apprenticeship), Raphael (industrial clerk, 3rd year of apprenticeship). Justin (enameler, 2nd year of apprenticeship) is missing.